Due Date for Entry Forms is Friday 1 August 1997


Principals Declaration

I , __________________________________________________

(Name of Principal, or Manager of Institution/Organisation)

Declare that the vehicle Named __________________________________

From __________________________________

(Name of School, or Institution / Organisation)


I further declare that all team members comply with the age requirements listed in the rules and specifications book, for the Category the team has entered.

I also declare that all monies and sponsorship raised by this team has been appropriately accounted for.

Signature _____________________________

Date _____________________________


Team Managers Declaration

I declare that the........................................ Pedal Prix Team will abide by the rules of the competition and understand that the organisers have the right to disqualify/ penalise any team not acting safely or not complying with the rules.

I have briefed all team members on their obligations and on suitable behaviour.

All team members understand that the organisers take no responsibility for loss or damage to property or for personal injury and have understood the " Release and Indemnity Clauses 9.1 to 9.9".

Team Manager's Name : ____________________________

Signature: __________________________________

Date: __________________________________


Team Members Declaration

We, the members of the ............................................. Pedal Prix Team declare that we have read, and understand the rules of the Pedal Prix Competition, the " Release and Indemnity Clauses 9.1 to 9.9", and that we will abide by the rules at all times.

We have also been briefed by our team manager on our obligations, and suitable behaviour.


Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________

Name ________________________ Signature __________________ _

Name ________________________ Signature ____________________


Please photocopy for appropriate number of team members.